Ganzer Roster

After nearly a decade of pro skateboarding, New Jersey's Ishod Wair has established himself as one of our most well-rounded — and enthusiastic — riders. And when Wair steps on his board, it's obvious to everyone that he takes full advantage of every moment: His heroically long skate sessions (requiring an arsenal of several dry shirts); his penchant for bowls and vert ramps, while his peers are happy to stay horizontal; and his head-turning ability to skate in each stance with equal dexterity, are all still in full effect. Of course, Wair has always operated at 100%, and very few pro skateboarders communicate pure, unvarnished joy the way he does. It turns out that loving what you do will really get you places.

Ishod Wair
  • United States
Geburtsdatum : 1991-11-01
Lieblingsgeschmack: Monster Energy Reserve Orange Dreamsicle

After nearly a decade of pro skateboarding, New Jersey's Ishod Wair has established himself as one of our most well-rounded — and enthusiastic — riders. And when Wair steps on his board, it's obvious to everyone that he takes full advantage of every moment: His heroically long skate sessions (requiring an arsenal of several dry shirts); his penchant for bowls and vert ramps, while his peers are happy to stay horizontal; and his head-turning ability to skate in each stance with equal dexterity, are all still in full effect. Of course, Wair has always operated at 100%, and very few pro skateboarders communicate pure, unvarnished joy the way he does. It turns out that loving what you do will really get you places.


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