Gesamtes Team

The Californian Speedway legend is a four-time World Champion and after an injury-ravaged 2017, he's back for more this year. His 'Grin' nickname suits him perfectly as a smile is never far from his face but when the helmet goes on he's fiercely competitive and has a will to win that is like no other. He has over 200 GP's under his belt and almost 90 final's and he's showing no signs of slowing down.

Greg Hancock
  • United States
Geburtsdatum : 1970-06-03
Lieblingssorte: The Original Green Monster Energy

The Californian Speedway legend is a four-time World Champion and after an injury-ravaged 2017, he's back for more this year. His 'Grin' nickname suits him perfectly as a smile is never far from his face but when the helmet goes on he's fiercely competitive and has a will to win that is like no other. He has over 200 GP's under his belt and almost 90 final's and he's showing no signs of slowing down.


Krall Dir eine Dose Monster Energy! Das gewaltigste Energy-Präparat auf diesem Planeten.
