Gesamtes Team

Canada's Matt Berger started skateboarding shortly after he learned to walk, and it shows. Hailing from Kamloops, a small town in British Columbia, Berger's biggest cheerleader was his father, who filmed his mind-bogglingly advanced sponsor-me tape at the age of eight. At ten, Berger started getting flow; by eleven, he was sponsored. His skateboarding has progressed similarly — flipping in and out and over everything, all while maintaining his signature smooth, precise style. Skateboarding means the world to Berger, but a lifetime of heavy impact took its toll on his knees. In 2017, Berger underwent an OATS procedure on his right knee; the radical form of surgery involves transferring cadaver cartilage to the affected joint. Against all odds, Berger has bounced back, proving that his body's recovery is as progressive as his skateboarding.

Matt Berger
  • Canada
Geburtsdatum : 1993-10-10
Lieblingssorte: Zero-Sugar Ultra Rosá

Canada's Matt Berger started skateboarding shortly after he learned to walk, and it shows. Hailing from Kamloops, a small town in British Columbia, Berger's biggest cheerleader was his father, who filmed his mind-bogglingly advanced sponsor-me tape at the age of eight. At ten, Berger started getting flow; by eleven, he was sponsored. His skateboarding has progressed similarly — flipping in and out and over everything, all while maintaining his signature smooth, precise style. Skateboarding means the world to Berger, but a lifetime of heavy impact took its toll on his knees. In 2017, Berger underwent an OATS procedure on his right knee; the radical form of surgery involves transferring cadaver cartilage to the affected joint. Against all odds, Berger has bounced back, proving that his body's recovery is as progressive as his skateboarding.

Skateboard News

Action / Skateboard
VIDEO: DOWN STRAIGHT UP! Vol. 2 Jetzt Draußen

Nach dem rasanten Tempo von Vol. 1, DOWN, STRAIGHT UP! Vol. 2 ist jetzt auf Thrasher Magazine für euch verfügbar.

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Action / Skateboard
Wir stellen vor: DOWN STRAIGHT UP! Vol.1

Eine neue Skate-Videoserie von Monster Energy

2024-07-08T23:00:00Z -- Skateboarding
Action / Skateboard
2024 Monster Skate Tour angekündigt

Nach ihrer Verbannung aus der Hölle ist die Monster's 2024 Skate Tour wieder da und eine Horde Shredder flieht vor den brennenden Trümmern. Nach dem Chaos im letzten Jahr sind vier Kontinente in Flammen aufgegangen und jede der neun Städte auf der diesjährigen Kill-Liste bebt, denn die Tour wird noch teuflischer.

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Krall Dir eine Dose Monster Energy! Das gewaltigste Energy-Präparat auf diesem Planeten.
