New city, same wrecking crew! DIYX STRT Jam breaks the ice in Helsinki during two days of non-stop anarchy and chaos, bringing together a rowdy mix of seasoned street huckers, jib lords and true misfits of the Snowboarding scene.
New city, same wrecking crew! DIYX STRT Jam breaks the ice in Helsinki during two days of non-stop anarchy and chaos, bringing together a rowdy mix of seasoned street huckers, jib lords and true misfits of the Snowboarding scene. With two fresh locations and some savage setups on offer, Helsinki had something for everyone who was prepared to shake off their hangovers and risk it all for eternal STRT Jam glory! DIYX brainchild Ethan Morgan and the stellar team at Method Mag certainly know how to organize a party, hit the play button and see why.