Full Roster

What’s your favorite event or festival to perform at?
Radikal Forze Anniversary, B.Boy City Taiwan, Original Bonnie & Clyde Battle

What’s your favorite city / place to perform in?
New York City

Do you have a favorite career moment / highlight?
New York City Rap Tour France 1982, Jam on The Groove Tour 1998

Do you have any rituals or routines you have to do before performing?
Good stretch with headphones while hearing some raw traditional Break Beats

What year did you sign with Monster?

Bboy Ken Swift
  • United States
Date Established : 1997-01-01
Favorite Flavor: The Original Green Monster Energy

What’s your favorite event or festival to perform at?
Radikal Forze Anniversary, B.Boy City Taiwan, Original Bonnie & Clyde Battle

What’s your favorite city / place to perform in?
New York City

Do you have a favorite career moment / highlight?
New York City Rap Tour France 1982, Jam on The Groove Tour 1998

Do you have any rituals or routines you have to do before performing?
Good stretch with headphones while hearing some raw traditional Break Beats

What year did you sign with Monster?

Unleash The Beast!

Tear into a can of the meanest energy drink on the planet, Monster Energy
