Liste complète

Where are you from? Subic Bay, Philippines, and traveled around the world as a Naval Brat. San Diego has been the home base for over 20 years. Best part about being a Monster Girl? The best part about being a Monster Girl is getting to be involved in so many different types of events whether it be a local meet & greet, a massive music festival, or being on the podium of a huge sporting event like X Games. Favorite Monster Energy Event(s)? King of the Hammers! Anytime I get to mix off-road and k is a dream to me! Craziest Monster Girl Moment? The craziest Monster Girl Moment I can think of was when we were filming Doonies 3 and had all the different types of vehicles lined up, including 2 massive Monster trucks, and we all took off down the whoops section while I was hanging off of a truck while a helicopter flew over us. We had to do multiple takes and this adrenaline junkie was living her best life! Best or Most Memorable Monster Fan Moment? My most memorable Monster fan moment was when I was in Iraq doing an MMA military goodwill tour. A serviceman from one of the bases I was visiting surprised me and brought "The Doctor" Monster Energy can for me because it was his favorite and he wanted me to try it since it's not available in the US. It was so thoughtful of him. Longest Distance Traveled as a Monster Girl? Fiji to shoot the surf category for the 2016 Monster Energy Girls Calendar. If you could sit next to anyone on a plane, who would you choose? Will Ferrell. He is my absolute favorite and I'd love to sit and have him make me laugh for hours on end. I can't think of a better way to spend my flight. What did you get into trouble for when you were growing up? I was a very mischievous child. One of the earliest things I can remember getting in trouble for was shaving off my eyebrows. I watched my dad shave his face and decided one day I wanted to try it too. It also happened to be a couple of days before my birthday party. There weren't very many photos from that year's celebration. What was your first job? Retail at Limited Too! What did you want to be when you were little? There were so many things I wanted to be doing growing up. But I wanted to be a broadcast journalist the longest. What are your achievements or accomplishments? There is still so much I want to accomplish! But I would say my greatest achievement thus far is becoming a Can-am Ambassador. I fell in love with Off-road and it has become a huge passion of mine. To represent an esteemed brand on the driver's side is an honor. Any hidden talents/party tricks? I used to perform at a nightclub. One of the things I learned to do was fire dance. I haven't whipped that hidden talent out at a party...yet.

  • United States

Where are you from? Subic Bay, Philippines, and traveled around the world as a Naval Brat. San Diego has been the home base for over 20 years. Best part about being a Monster Girl? The best part about being a Monster Girl is getting to be involved in so many different types of events whether it be a local meet & greet, a massive music festival, or being on the podium of a huge sporting event like X Games. Favorite Monster Energy Event(s)? King of the Hammers! Anytime I get to mix off-road and k is a dream to me! Craziest Monster Girl Moment? The craziest Monster Girl Moment I can think of was when we were filming Doonies 3 and had all the different types of vehicles lined up, including 2 massive Monster trucks, and we all took off down the whoops section while I was hanging off of a truck while a helicopter flew over us. We had to do multiple takes and this adrenaline junkie was living her best life! Best or Most Memorable Monster Fan Moment? My most memorable Monster fan moment was when I was in Iraq doing an MMA military goodwill tour. A serviceman from one of the bases I was visiting surprised me and brought "The Doctor" Monster Energy can for me because it was his favorite and he wanted me to try it since it's not available in the US. It was so thoughtful of him. Longest Distance Traveled as a Monster Girl? Fiji to shoot the surf category for the 2016 Monster Energy Girls Calendar. If you could sit next to anyone on a plane, who would you choose? Will Ferrell. He is my absolute favorite and I'd love to sit and have him make me laugh for hours on end. I can't think of a better way to spend my flight. What did you get into trouble for when you were growing up? I was a very mischievous child. One of the earliest things I can remember getting in trouble for was shaving off my eyebrows. I watched my dad shave his face and decided one day I wanted to try it too. It also happened to be a couple of days before my birthday party. There weren't very many photos from that year's celebration. What was your first job? Retail at Limited Too! What did you want to be when you were little? There were so many things I wanted to be doing growing up. But I wanted to be a broadcast journalist the longest. What are your achievements or accomplishments? There is still so much I want to accomplish! But I would say my greatest achievement thus far is becoming a Can-am Ambassador. I fell in love with Off-road and it has become a huge passion of mine. To represent an esteemed brand on the driver's side is an honor. Any hidden talents/party tricks? I used to perform at a nightclub. One of the things I learned to do was fire dance. I haven't whipped that hidden talent out at a party...yet.

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Plongez dans une canette de la boisson énergisante la plus marginale sur la planète, Monster Energy.
