Liste complète

How many pro freeskiers do you know with a neuroscience degree? Sarah Hoefflin from Geneva, Switzerland is the world's only rider who fits that bill. Initially just a weekend ski warrior, she graduated from Cardiff University in 2013 at the age of 23, determined to become a doctor. After being rejected by medical school, Hoefflin flipped the switch. Relocated to the Swiss Alps. Worked jobs at resorts while shredding some of the world's best snow parks every single day, inspired by French freestyle skier Candide Thovex. Two seasons later, Hoefflin's transformation into a leader of freeski's new school was complete. Picking up sponsors and climbing the competitive ranks, she claimed her first World Cup and Europa Cup wins in 2017 and made history as the first woman to stomp doubles in multiple directions in competition. She put all younger riders on notice by entering as the oldest competitor in her sport, and absolutely dominating. Expect big things from her. Sarah has already proven she's capable of anything she sets her mind to...

Sarah Hoefflin
  • Switzerland
Date de naissance : 1991-01-08
Saveur préférée: The Original Green Monster Energy

How many pro freeskiers do you know with a neuroscience degree? Sarah Hoefflin from Geneva, Switzerland is the world's only rider who fits that bill. Initially just a weekend ski warrior, she graduated from Cardiff University in 2013 at the age of 23, determined to become a doctor. After being rejected by medical school, Hoefflin flipped the switch. Relocated to the Swiss Alps. Worked jobs at resorts while shredding some of the world's best snow parks every single day, inspired by French freestyle skier Candide Thovex. Two seasons later, Hoefflin's transformation into a leader of freeski's new school was complete. Picking up sponsors and climbing the competitive ranks, she claimed her first World Cup and Europa Cup wins in 2017 and made history as the first woman to stomp doubles in multiple directions in competition. She put all younger riders on notice by entering as the oldest competitor in her sport, and absolutely dominating. Expect big things from her. Sarah has already proven she's capable of anything she sets her mind to...

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Plongez dans une canette de la boisson énergisante la plus marginale sur la planète, Monster Energy.
