Liste complète

Straight out of Aichi, Japan, Taiga Hasegawa is taking the snowboard world by storm. Taiga can throw down with the best athletes in the world. At age 15, he made history as the world's first rider to land 1800 rotations all four ways – frontside, backside, Caballerial, and switch backside – at legendary Stomping Grounds Park. Blessed with style, Taiga gets contorted on classic airs and boasts impeccable trick selection (no wonder his Insta followers include icons and legends of the sport). Plus, Taiga is also proving a podium threat in Slopestyle based on his fast-footed rail game and complex switch tricks. Always ready to travel and push the limits in sessions with his peers, Taiga is having the time of his life and it shows in his boundary-pushing riding!

Taiga Hasegawa
  • Japan
Date de naissance : 2005-10-23
Saveur préférée: Monster Energy Reserve White Pineapple

Straight out of Aichi, Japan, Taiga Hasegawa is taking the snowboard world by storm. Taiga can throw down with the best athletes in the world. At age 15, he made history as the world's first rider to land 1800 rotations all four ways – frontside, backside, Caballerial, and switch backside – at legendary Stomping Grounds Park. Blessed with style, Taiga gets contorted on classic airs and boasts impeccable trick selection (no wonder his Insta followers include icons and legends of the sport). Plus, Taiga is also proving a podium threat in Slopestyle based on his fast-footed rail game and complex switch tricks. Always ready to travel and push the limits in sessions with his peers, Taiga is having the time of his life and it shows in his boundary-pushing riding!

Libérez la bête!

Plongez dans une canette de la boisson énergisante la plus marginale sur la planète, Monster Energy.
