Zbrajanje medalja | X Games Chiba 2023
U roku od tri dana, ekipa Monster Roster je osvojila 4 zlatne, 5 srebrne i 1 brončanu medalju.
X Games Chiba 2023 su službeno završene! Tvrtka Monster Energy čestita svojim sportašima u BMX-u, Moto X-u i skateboarderima na uspješnom nastupu na X Games Chiba 2023. Tijekom trodnevnog događaja, svjetska klasa ekipe osvojila je ukupno 10 X Games medalja (četiri zlatne, pet srebrnih i jednu brončanu) i postavila nove rekorde. X Games Chiba 2023 je druga godina za redom da je događaj održan na stadionu ZOZO Marine u Tokijskom zaljevu, okupljajući svjetsku elitu ekstremnih sportova.
Predstavljamo kako je ekipa Monster Energy oduševila navijače na X Games Chiba 2023:

Prvi dan natjecanja za medalje na X Games Chiba 2023 nije dobro započeo. Zbog cjelodnevnih kiša koje su padale nad Tokijskim zaljevom, organizatori su odlučili prenijeti više natjecanja na nedjelju. Rezultati kvalifikacija iz Petka su se računali kao konačni rezultati za medalje u disciplinama BMX Park, Skateboard Park i Skateboard Street.
Na temelju tih kvalifikacija, 28-godišnji Daniel Sandoval iz Corone, Kalifornija, osvojio je zlatnu medalju u disciplini BMX Park. Sandoval se izborio za pobjedu protiv branitelja zlatne medalje na X Games Chiba, Logana Martina, izvodeći savršeno drugo vožnju koja je uključivala masivni double flair aerial i ogroman 540 flair za 87,00 bodova i zlatnu medalju. Sandoval je bio iznimno uzbuđen zbog pobjede, budući da nije osvojio medalju na X Games-u od 2017. godine - ali planirao je još više na X Games Chiba 2023.
Pobjede su se nastavile i u ženskom natjecanju Skateboard Street, gdje je 15-godišnja Rayssa Leal iz Imperatriza, Brazila, nastupila kao braniteljica naslova iz Chibe 2022. Leal se nije uplašila protivnica s A-liste i izvela je savršenu vožnju, uključujući backside lipslide i backside Smith grind preko ogromne 14-stepenaste ograde, te osvojila svoju drugu zlatnu medalju na X Games-u u karijeri. Nezaustavljiva!
Na postolju u ženskom natjecanju Skateboard Park, mlada amaterka iz Monster Army programa se popela: 16-godišnja Ruby.
Sunday also saw 30-year-old Kelvin Hoefler from São Paulo, Brazil, rise all the way to the podium in Men’s Skateboard Street. Battling heavy competition from previous X Games gold medalists and young upstarts, Hoefler landed a technical run featuring Caballerial backside lipslide fakie the 14-stair rail for a strong silver medal finish. Hoefler now owns six X Games medals (two gold, two silver, and two bronze).
The big story in Sunday’s Skateboard Vert final was the return to halfpipe competition of 23-year-old Tom Schaar from Malibu, California. The top competitor in Mega Ramp and Skateboard Park contests had never medaled in six starts in X Games Skateboard Vert – until now! A perfect technical run punctuated by a difficult kickflip McTwist before the buzzer earned Schaar X Games silver as his first medal in the event. Schaar now owns nine X Games medals (one gold, four silver, and four bronze).
Technical halfpipe skating remained the focus in Skateboard Vert Best Trick, featuring an all-star cast including skateboard icon Tony Hawk. Dropping in as the defending gold medalist from X Games 2022 but facing difficulty landing the move he wanted, 34-year-old Elliot Sloan earned a walk-off victory on his final attempt of the contest: His fast-spinning Cab heelflip Indy 720 brought the house down and earned Sloan his seventh gold medal. Sloan now owns 16 X Games medals (seven gold, seven silver, and two bronze). His closest competitor was 27-year-old Japanese team rider Moto Shibata from Osaka, who finished in silver-medal position after posting a perfect kickflip McTwist on Run 1.
In the weekend’s only motorized medal event, the world’s best motocross freestylists threw down in the Moto X Best Trick. As the worthy finale to a spectacular weekend, the session put the sport’s technical evolution on full display. When the dust settled, 31-year-old Jackson Strong from New South Wales, Australia, took the win by landing a difficult untucked no-hander frontflip, spinning forward through the air with hands entirely off the handlebar. This marks Strong’s seventh gold medal in the event and ties the Australian for most gold in a single Moto X discipline with Ronnie Renner and Travis Pastrana.
Strong now owns 14 X Games medals (seven gold, four silver, and three bronze). He was joined on the all-Australian podium by 29-year-old Harry Bink from Canberra, Australia taking bronze with a technical double backflip nac one-hander look to the side. Bink now owns two X Games bronze medals, both earned in Moto X Best Trick.

Rayssa Leal |

Daniel Sandoval |

Jackson "Jacko" Strong |

Elliot Sloan |

Tom Schaar |