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Canada's Matt Berger started skateboarding shortly after he learned to walk, and it shows. Hailing from Kamloops, a small town in British Columbia, Berger's biggest cheerleader was his father, who filmed his mind-bogglingly advanced sponsor-me tape at the age of eight. At ten, Berger started getting flow; by eleven, he was sponsored. His skateboarding has progressed similarly — flipping in and out and over everything, all while maintaining his signature smooth, precise style. Skateboarding means the world to Berger, but a lifetime of heavy impact took its toll on his knees. In 2017, Berger underwent an OATS procedure on his right knee; the radical form of surgery involves transferring cadaver cartilage to the affected joint. Against all odds, Berger has bounced back, proving that his body's recovery is as progressive as his skateboarding.

Matt Berger
  • Canada
Data urodzenia : 1993-10-10
Ulubiony Smak: Zero-Sugar Ultra Rosá

Canada's Matt Berger started skateboarding shortly after he learned to walk, and it shows. Hailing from Kamloops, a small town in British Columbia, Berger's biggest cheerleader was his father, who filmed his mind-bogglingly advanced sponsor-me tape at the age of eight. At ten, Berger started getting flow; by eleven, he was sponsored. His skateboarding has progressed similarly — flipping in and out and over everything, all while maintaining his signature smooth, precise style. Skateboarding means the world to Berger, but a lifetime of heavy impact took its toll on his knees. In 2017, Berger underwent an OATS procedure on his right knee; the radical form of surgery involves transferring cadaver cartilage to the affected joint. Against all odds, Berger has bounced back, proving that his body's recovery is as progressive as his skateboarding.

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Więcej informacji o zawodnikach
Unleash The Beast!

Dorwij puszkę najbardziej ekstremalnego napoju energetycznego na planecie, Monster Energy.
