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Separation from the masses of amazing park riders is not an easy thing to do, but as soon as Kyle burst onto the contest scene back in 2011, he did just that. Forcing people to rethink what was possible and quickly moving onto the next trick, Kyle's riding is completely controlled and yet unbelievable at the same time. Primarily known as a park rider, Kyle continues to be a podium threat at every park event in the world. And, he dominates on the dirt as well. When not traveling, Kyle does clinics at his local park with beginners and up and coming riders looking to live out their dreams as a BMX pro. As a double threat, expect Kyle to be at every major park and dirt event around the world and be ready to prove time and time again, that he is truly one of the best contest riders in the world...

Kyle Baldock
  • Australia
Data nașterii : 1991-03-29
Gustul preferat: The Original Green Monster Energy

Separation from the masses of amazing park riders is not an easy thing to do, but as soon as Kyle burst onto the contest scene back in 2011, he did just that. Forcing people to rethink what was possible and quickly moving onto the next trick, Kyle's riding is completely controlled and yet unbelievable at the same time. Primarily known as a park rider, Kyle continues to be a podium threat at every park event in the world. And, he dominates on the dirt as well. When not traveling, Kyle does clinics at his local park with beginners and up and coming riders looking to live out their dreams as a BMX pro. As a double threat, expect Kyle to be at every major park and dirt event around the world and be ready to prove time and time again, that he is truly one of the best contest riders in the world...

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