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One of the circuit's newest generation of rider's, Mitch Ropelato grew up riding everything on 2-wheels. Racing BMX, riding moto, and racing downhill have molded this young Utah native's life as far back as he can remember. With more raw talent and balance than you can shake a stick at, Ropelato can often be found out in the woods or the skatepark putting together his latest social media video that may include manualling a fixie around town, shredding a pump track, flairing a BMX bike or getting his downhill bike sideways on the street of Taxco, Mexico - Keep an eye out for his edits!

Mitch Ropelato
  • United States
Data nașterii : 1992-03-03
Gustul preferat: Rehab Monster Peach Tea

One of the circuit's newest generation of rider's, Mitch Ropelato grew up riding everything on 2-wheels. Racing BMX, riding moto, and racing downhill have molded this young Utah native's life as far back as he can remember. With more raw talent and balance than you can shake a stick at, Ropelato can often be found out in the woods or the skatepark putting together his latest social media video that may include manualling a fixie around town, shredding a pump track, flairing a BMX bike or getting his downhill bike sideways on the street of Taxco, Mexico - Keep an eye out for his edits!

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