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Troy Brosnan burst onto the World Scene scene as a Junior, taking home back-to-back Junior World Titles which caught industry attention. As a protégé of Sam Hill, this diminutive young Australian has developed a style that has become easily recognizeable as he floats and pedals over the roughest terrain and tucks his way through the flats, taking advantage of his size. His first elite World Cup win came in Fort William, Scotland, where his incredible fitness and helped him power his way down a track believed to benefit larger, more powerful riders. A fantastic all round rider, Brosnan isn't afraid to charge the most technical sections on the race track and then get completely sideways at the dirt jumps before heading out for a road ride with his parents. It's safe to say that Brosnan has a bright future ahead on the World Cup hunting for many more podiums.

Troy Brosnan
  • Australia
Data nașterii : 1993-07-13
Gustul preferat: Zero-Sugar Ultra Watermelon

Troy Brosnan burst onto the World Scene scene as a Junior, taking home back-to-back Junior World Titles which caught industry attention. As a protégé of Sam Hill, this diminutive young Australian has developed a style that has become easily recognizeable as he floats and pedals over the roughest terrain and tucks his way through the flats, taking advantage of his size. His first elite World Cup win came in Fort William, Scotland, where his incredible fitness and helped him power his way down a track believed to benefit larger, more powerful riders. A fantastic all round rider, Brosnan isn't afraid to charge the most technical sections on the race track and then get completely sideways at the dirt jumps before heading out for a road ride with his parents. It's safe to say that Brosnan has a bright future ahead on the World Cup hunting for many more podiums.

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