Lista reprezentanților
Lista întreagă a reprezentanților

What’s your favorite event or festival to perform at? Red Rocks What’s your favorite city / place to perform in? Denver Do you have a favorite career moment / highlight? Receiving our first Gold-certified record Do you have any rituals or routines you have to do before performing? Some yoga and breathing exercises. What year did you sign with Monster? 2012 What’s something you’re proud of? We just started our own record label called Mayday Music and we're getting ready for our first independent summer world tour!

  • United States
Data nașterii : 2004-05-01
Gustul preferat: Zero-Sugar Ultra Gold

What’s your favorite event or festival to perform at? Red Rocks What’s your favorite city / place to perform in? Denver Do you have a favorite career moment / highlight? Receiving our first Gold-certified record Do you have any rituals or routines you have to do before performing? Some yoga and breathing exercises. What year did you sign with Monster? 2012 What’s something you’re proud of? We just started our own record label called Mayday Music and we're getting ready for our first independent summer world tour!

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