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43 Forever - In memory of Ken Block He's the head of shred, a master of radness, and led the way for tire slaying at Monster Energy and the Hoonigan Racing Division. From throwing a one of a kind Ford Mustang around the streets of Los Angeles in Gymkhana Seven, to taking the fight to the competition in the FIA World Rallycross Championships, Ken was most at home in the driver's seat of a race car. With a stack of podiums and silverware left in his wake, it will be a bit of a surprise to discover that all this four-wheel drive awesomeness started at Monster in 2005, and fewer still might not know that Ken also helped to co-found DC Shoes.

From the minute Ken jumped into a race car, at his hometown of Long Beach, California, his natural talent and control were clear. In his first year of competition, Ken was awarded the prestigious title of "Rookie of the Year" by Rally America. Within a few years, he'd helped put rally racing on the map in America by competing in events at the X Games, became the first American to score a point in the World Rally Championship, as well as founding his own race team. In addition to his success on-track, Ken also created the YouTube viral video series known as Gymkhana.

Now with 10 edits in the series and millions of views on YouTube alone, Ken is as much of a hit online as he was in the motorsport paddock.

On January 2, 2023, the 55-year-old rally driver and entrepreneur was killed in a snowmobile accident in a remote area of Utah’s Wasatch County. News of Block’s passing led to an outpouring of tributes and gratitude from across the globe. It’s safe to say that very few individuals have exerted a similar impact on the world of action sports and motorsports – both behind the scenes and in front of the cameras – as Ken Block. Ken will be very sorely missed. #43Forever

Off Road
Ken Block
  • United States
Data nașterii : 1967-11-21
Gustul preferat: The Original Green Monster Energy

43 Forever - In memory of Ken Block He's the head of shred, a master of radness, and led the way for tire slaying at Monster Energy and the Hoonigan Racing Division. From throwing a one of a kind Ford Mustang around the streets of Los Angeles in Gymkhana Seven, to taking the fight to the competition in the FIA World Rallycross Championships, Ken was most at home in the driver's seat of a race car. With a stack of podiums and silverware left in his wake, it will be a bit of a surprise to discover that all this four-wheel drive awesomeness started at Monster in 2005, and fewer still might not know that Ken also helped to co-found DC Shoes.

From the minute Ken jumped into a race car, at his hometown of Long Beach, California, his natural talent and control were clear. In his first year of competition, Ken was awarded the prestigious title of "Rookie of the Year" by Rally America. Within a few years, he'd helped put rally racing on the map in America by competing in events at the X Games, became the first American to score a point in the World Rally Championship, as well as founding his own race team. In addition to his success on-track, Ken also created the YouTube viral video series known as Gymkhana.

Now with 10 edits in the series and millions of views on YouTube alone, Ken is as much of a hit online as he was in the motorsport paddock.

On January 2, 2023, the 55-year-old rally driver and entrepreneur was killed in a snowmobile accident in a remote area of Utah’s Wasatch County. News of Block’s passing led to an outpouring of tributes and gratitude from across the globe. It’s safe to say that very few individuals have exerted a similar impact on the world of action sports and motorsports – both behind the scenes and in front of the cameras – as Ken Block. Ken will be very sorely missed. #43Forever

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