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Canada's Kyle Demelo has built his "dream sandbox" and he shares it with other riders who share his passion for progression. He competed in his first X Games (Sydney, 2018, 9th place, Freestyle) after a series of injuries kept him away from XG Aspen 2018. Demelo tours with Nitro Circus. He grew up on a cherry/apple farm and has a box-jump-leaping pet goat named Gouda, who probably has more Instagram followers than you do.

Off Road
Kyle Demelo
  • Canada
Data nașterii : 2000-01-01
Gustul preferat: The Original Green Monster Energy

Canada's Kyle Demelo has built his "dream sandbox" and he shares it with other riders who share his passion for progression. He competed in his first X Games (Sydney, 2018, 9th place, Freestyle) after a series of injuries kept him away from XG Aspen 2018. Demelo tours with Nitro Circus. He grew up on a cherry/apple farm and has a box-jump-leaping pet goat named Gouda, who probably has more Instagram followers than you do.

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Unleash The Beast!

Tear into a can of the meanest energy drink on the planet, Monster Energy.
