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Marc Burnett, is an organizer and promoter as well as racer from Chula Vista, CA. Marc started racing motocross at the tender age of five. Marc is a well experience off-road racer, with 27 years of experience racing Baja! He rode for Factory Kawasaki, Honda and Suzuki. Burnett then moved on to racing Class 6 trucks where again he accomplished 1st place at the SCORE San Felipe 250, 1st place at the SCORE Baja 1000 and 1st place at the SCORE Baja 500. He's also won the SCORE Milestone Award three times. Now, Burnett has made a huge impact in the UTV Pro-Class and the Turbo Production Class and continues to race in these extremely competative classes.

Off Road
Marc Burnett
  • United States
Data nașterii : 1970-12-20
Gustul preferat: Java Monster Mean Bean

Marc Burnett, is an organizer and promoter as well as racer from Chula Vista, CA. Marc started racing motocross at the tender age of five. Marc is a well experience off-road racer, with 27 years of experience racing Baja! He rode for Factory Kawasaki, Honda and Suzuki. Burnett then moved on to racing Class 6 trucks where again he accomplished 1st place at the SCORE San Felipe 250, 1st place at the SCORE Baja 1000 and 1st place at the SCORE Baja 500. He's also won the SCORE Milestone Award three times. Now, Burnett has made a huge impact in the UTV Pro-Class and the Turbo Production Class and continues to race in these extremely competative classes.

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