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With more than 40 years of racing experience, the Herbst family exemplifies a true commitment to off-road racing. Terrible Herbst Motorsports is one of the most successful and popular teams in the sport today, having dominated within SCORE and Best in the Desert with numerous race wins and Championships. The passion for racing runs deep in the Herbst family, stretching across three generations of drivers and enveloping the brand image of the expansive family business. The Herbst team has been known over the years for their innovative trucks and dedication to off-road racing. Always a team to be a front-runner and race win contender, never count the Herbst team out.

Off Road
Terrible Herbst
  • United States
Data nașterii : 2000-01-01
Gustul preferat: Java Monster Triple Shot Mocha

With more than 40 years of racing experience, the Herbst family exemplifies a true commitment to off-road racing. Terrible Herbst Motorsports is one of the most successful and popular teams in the sport today, having dominated within SCORE and Best in the Desert with numerous race wins and Championships. The passion for racing runs deep in the Herbst family, stretching across three generations of drivers and enveloping the brand image of the expansive family business. The Herbst team has been known over the years for their innovative trucks and dedication to off-road racing. Always a team to be a front-runner and race win contender, never count the Herbst team out.

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