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Hailing from the mountainless and remote north Atlantic island of Iceland, Halldór Helgason is kid who has never let anything stand in the way of his deep-down desire to ride his board on everything. Halldór spends his life immersed in snowboarding: nonstop riding, filming homemade videos, and touring the world to spread snowboarding. As a teen he became the first Icelander to win an X Games medal when he took the gold in Big Air in 2010. Along with his brother Eiki and a crew of friends from his native homeland, Halldor continues making bold moves both on an off the snow. By mixing next-level urban riding and progressive jumping footage with hearty doses of wiseass ridiculousness, Halldór keeps pushing his version of raw shredding out to the masses. And not surprisingly, they're eating it up.

Halldor Helgason
  • Iceland
Data nașterii : 1991-01-10
Gustul preferat: Monster Energy Assault

Hailing from the mountainless and remote north Atlantic island of Iceland, Halldór Helgason is kid who has never let anything stand in the way of his deep-down desire to ride his board on everything. Halldór spends his life immersed in snowboarding: nonstop riding, filming homemade videos, and touring the world to spread snowboarding. As a teen he became the first Icelander to win an X Games medal when he took the gold in Big Air in 2010. Along with his brother Eiki and a crew of friends from his native homeland, Halldor continues making bold moves both on an off the snow. By mixing next-level urban riding and progressive jumping footage with hearty doses of wiseass ridiculousness, Halldór keeps pushing his version of raw shredding out to the masses. And not surprisingly, they're eating it up.

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