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There's one word to describe Kevin Backstrom's snowboarding: Stylish. A real snowboarder's snowboarder, Kevin can be found trotting the globe, from Air + Style big air events to filming videos, the young Swede has parlayed his style of shredding into a cult following. A core snowboarder through and through, Kevin keeps it real by doing what he wants and snowboarding how he wants.

Kevin Backstrom
  • Sweden
Data nașterii : 1992-07-16
Gustul preferat: Zero-Sugar Ultra Fiesta Mango

There's one word to describe Kevin Backstrom's snowboarding: Stylish. A real snowboarder's snowboarder, Kevin can be found trotting the globe, from Air + Style big air events to filming videos, the young Swede has parlayed his style of shredding into a cult following. A core snowboarder through and through, Kevin keeps it real by doing what he wants and snowboarding how he wants.

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DIYX STRT JAM | Stockholm 2024

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Green Hour

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Rezumatul medaliilor | X Games Aspen 2024

X Games Aspen 2024 s-a încheiat! Sportivii de freeski și snowboard susținuți de către Monster Energy au dominat cu 19 medalii în trei zile: 9 de aur, 5 de argint, 5 de bronz.

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Unleash The Beast!

Tear into a can of the meanest energy drink on the planet, Monster Energy.
