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This long-haired scrapper from Kelowna, BC, Canada is among the new breed of versatile, all-terrain shredders helping to keep snowboarding moving forward on all fronts. But don't let the mop of hair fool you, Mark's more likely to be bonking trees than hugging them. He's developed the backcountry skills of seasoned veteran of the Whistler scene and amazingly his street game hasn't suffered a bit. Mark got his start at Big White, Kelowna's local mountain. Exposure to the wider Canadian shred scene through rail trips and his first backcountry missions around Whistler further fueled his passion to ride everything, from kinks to cornices to kickers. And he excels at it all. Don't let the standout performances the past few seasons in Burton's team projects fool you, the best is still yet to come.

Mark Sollors
  • Canada
Data nașterii : 1986-04-20
Gustul preferat: Zero Ultra a.k.a. The White Monster

This long-haired scrapper from Kelowna, BC, Canada is among the new breed of versatile, all-terrain shredders helping to keep snowboarding moving forward on all fronts. But don't let the mop of hair fool you, Mark's more likely to be bonking trees than hugging them. He's developed the backcountry skills of seasoned veteran of the Whistler scene and amazingly his street game hasn't suffered a bit. Mark got his start at Big White, Kelowna's local mountain. Exposure to the wider Canadian shred scene through rail trips and his first backcountry missions around Whistler further fueled his passion to ride everything, from kinks to cornices to kickers. And he excels at it all. Don't let the standout performances the past few seasons in Burton's team projects fool you, the best is still yet to come.

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