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The sport of snowboarding has long been lorded over by storied Norwegian riders, and Ståle Sandbech has been crowned the latest king of Norwegian shredding. Supplanting names like Horgmo, Wiig and Haakonsen, Ståle has already made his mark on the sport, destroying events and movie screens the world over. Mired in his prime, Sandbech has already captured worldly accolades and numerous titles. Yet the laid-back Sandbech has avoided the clichés of the sport, remaming calm and collected, innocuous to his own fame and fortune. The RK1 frontman just wants to snowboard; and luckily for the entire snowboard world, there's no one better or more stylish than him.

Stale Sandbech
  • Norway
Data nașterii : 1993-06-03
Gustul preferat: The Original Monster Energy Super-Premium Import

The sport of snowboarding has long been lorded over by storied Norwegian riders, and Ståle Sandbech has been crowned the latest king of Norwegian shredding. Supplanting names like Horgmo, Wiig and Haakonsen, Ståle has already made his mark on the sport, destroying events and movie screens the world over. Mired in his prime, Sandbech has already captured worldly accolades and numerous titles. Yet the laid-back Sandbech has avoided the clichés of the sport, remaming calm and collected, innocuous to his own fame and fortune. The RK1 frontman just wants to snowboard; and luckily for the entire snowboard world, there's no one better or more stylish than him.

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