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Born and raised in Leeds, UK. Will grew up without a mountain in sight. Left with just a dryslope and snow dome to perfect his rail skills, he's become one of Europe's best street riders. He spends most of his seasons out in the streets of Finland, Russia, Japan and Canada filming for video parts with the likes of Vans and Postland. As far as core urban snowboarding goes, Will's the man.

Will Smith
  • United Kingdom
Data nașterii : 1994-07-12
Gustul preferat: Rehab Monster Strawberry Lemonade

Born and raised in Leeds, UK. Will grew up without a mountain in sight. Left with just a dryslope and snow dome to perfect his rail skills, he's become one of Europe's best street riders. He spends most of his seasons out in the streets of Finland, Russia, Japan and Canada filming for video parts with the likes of Vans and Postland. As far as core urban snowboarding goes, Will's the man.

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