Hiroto Ohhara can easily pull off 3D air tricks where his entire surf board leaves the wave lip behind while turning upside down. That`s his style.Directly hit by waves off the Pacific, his local area of Sotobo has nurtured him into a JPSA officially recognized professional in just five years since he started surfing at eight years old.In 2013, Ohhara became the first Japanese to finish third in the ASP World Junior titles. In an age group that is referred to as the golden age of top surfers both in Japan and internationally, he is set to be promoted to the ASP Prime class in 2014 and will aim to become the best in the world while gaining experience in the big waves of Australia, United States, Ecuador, Brazil, France, Spain, Portugal, and Hawaii.
Hiroto Ohhara can easily pull off 3D air tricks where his entire surf board leaves the wave lip behind while turning upside down. That`s his style.Directly hit by waves off the Pacific, his local area of Sotobo has nurtured him into a JPSA officially recognized professional in just five years since he started surfing at eight years old.In 2013, Ohhara became the first Japanese to finish third in the ASP World Junior titles. In an age group that is referred to as the golden age of top surfers both in Japan and internationally, he is set to be promoted to the ASP Prime class in 2014 and will aim to become the best in the world while gaining experience in the big waves of Australia, United States, Ecuador, Brazil, France, Spain, Portugal, and Hawaii.
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