Moto Shibata, a Tokyo native, has been captivated by skateboarding since his early days. Introduced to the sport in elementary school, his passion for skating was nurtured by his father, who used to skate during the 70s. Shibata began his skateboarding journey by borrowing his dad's eight-inch Santa Cruz board and experimenting with tic-tacs near his house. As his skills grew, his father got him a custom board that fit his body, and together they built a quarter pipe. With a skateboard always beneath his feet, Shibata tirelessly practiced in the streets of his neighborhood. Gradually, he ventured into skateparks and eventually found himself competing in skateboarding events. Over the years, Moto has accumulated an impressive list of wins in various competitions around the globe. From the X Games to the Street League Skateboarding Championship, his smooth flow and flawless execution have earned him multiple titles and admiration from fans worldwide.
Moto Shibata, a Tokyo native, has been captivated by skateboarding since his early days. Introduced to the sport in elementary school, his passion for skating was nurtured by his father, who used to skate during the 70s. Shibata began his skateboarding journey by borrowing his dad's eight-inch Santa Cruz board and experimenting with tic-tacs near his house. As his skills grew, his father got him a custom board that fit his body, and together they built a quarter pipe. With a skateboard always beneath his feet, Shibata tirelessly practiced in the streets of his neighborhood. Gradually, he ventured into skateparks and eventually found himself competing in skateboarding events. Over the years, Moto has accumulated an impressive list of wins in various competitions around the globe. From the X Games to the Street League Skateboarding Championship, his smooth flow and flawless execution have earned him multiple titles and admiration from fans worldwide.
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