Raised in Southern California, James Foster got a solid foundation in BMX racing and Motocross at a young age. He made the switch to freestyle BMX in high school and his BMX dreams lead him to live in Greenville, North Carolina, for several years to ride and learn from the likes of Dave Mirra and Ryan Nyquist. Now back in SoCal, James can kill it on any terrain. Despite his success, James' approach to the competition may seem a bit odd to most. He doesn't really practice. Well, physically, at least. James believes in the power of visualization and spends most of his practice time simply riding mellow and envisioning what he wants to do.
Raised in Southern California, James Foster got a solid foundation in BMX racing and Motocross at a young age. He made the switch to freestyle BMX in high school and his BMX dreams lead him to live in Greenville, North Carolina, for several years to ride and learn from the likes of Dave Mirra and Ryan Nyquist. Now back in SoCal, James can kill it on any terrain. Despite his success, James' approach to the competition may seem a bit odd to most. He doesn't really practice. Well, physically, at least. James believes in the power of visualization and spends most of his practice time simply riding mellow and envisioning what he wants to do.
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Cei mai buni rideri de BMX s-au reunit la Swatch Battle of Hastings din 2024, oferind o un show nebun pentru fanii BMX din întreaga lume în apreciatul Source Park, marcând unul dintre cele mai așteptate evenimente din calendarul anual BMX.

Battle of Hastings 2024 s-a întors și poți urmări toată acțiunea live online!

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Unleash The Beast!
Tear into a can of the meanest energy drink on the planet, Monster Energy. Produse