From Monster Army recruit to full-fledged pro team member, Jeremy Malott's rise to greatness has been a long time coming. At age 10, Jeremy was already competing in motocross and BMX track races in his native town of Lancaster, California, in the high desert. His progression escalated once he discovered freestyle BMX as his true passion at 17 and quickly evolved into a podium threat on the am circuit. Malott won the freestyle BMX championship at the Monster Recon Tour in 2016, one year after relocating to Lake Havasu, Arizona, for the burgeoning BMX scene and concrete parks. Since then he's been unstoppable: He took first place in Best Trick at FISE events Montpellier, France and in Hiroshima, Japan, where he landed the world's first 360 Triple Whip to Bar Spin. Supplementing his contest wins with trick innovations on social videos, Jeremy Malott has earned his stripes the old-fashioned way – step by hard-earned step. When he finally joined the pro team in 2021 and released the heavy hitting 'Breakthrough' video part, he was already a General in the Monster Army. Watch closely as Jeremy Malott continues to push his personal boundaries – and elevate all of freestyle BMX in the process.
From Monster Army recruit to full-fledged pro team member, Jeremy Malott's rise to greatness has been a long time coming. At age 10, Jeremy was already competing in motocross and BMX track races in his native town of Lancaster, California, in the high desert. His progression escalated once he discovered freestyle BMX as his true passion at 17 and quickly evolved into a podium threat on the am circuit. Malott won the freestyle BMX championship at the Monster Recon Tour in 2016, one year after relocating to Lake Havasu, Arizona, for the burgeoning BMX scene and concrete parks. Since then he's been unstoppable: He took first place in Best Trick at FISE events Montpellier, France and in Hiroshima, Japan, where he landed the world's first 360 Triple Whip to Bar Spin. Supplementing his contest wins with trick innovations on social videos, Jeremy Malott has earned his stripes the old-fashioned way – step by hard-earned step. When he finally joined the pro team in 2021 and released the heavy hitting 'Breakthrough' video part, he was already a General in the Monster Army. Watch closely as Jeremy Malott continues to push his personal boundaries – and elevate all of freestyle BMX in the process.
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