When you hear or see the slogan 'STAY RAD', Rick Thorne is the first person that will come to mind. He lives his life by that saying and has branded himself with that PMA (Positive Mental Atittude) lifestyle of always creating, reiventing and expressing himself to never give up. He's one of the most reconizable faces in action sports by his accomplishments and contributions to BMX through his multipe years of touring, competing and televsion hosting and coverage. He's a renaissance man by constantly challenging himself and creating new avenues by the strong belief of the DIY mentality. He doesn't wait for the phone ring, he makes the calls to make all of his dreams come true. STAY RAD!
When you hear or see the slogan 'STAY RAD', Rick Thorne is the first person that will come to mind. He lives his life by that saying and has branded himself with that PMA (Positive Mental Atittude) lifestyle of always creating, reiventing and expressing himself to never give up. He's one of the most reconizable faces in action sports by his accomplishments and contributions to BMX through his multipe years of touring, competing and televsion hosting and coverage. He's a renaissance man by constantly challenging himself and creating new avenues by the strong belief of the DIY mentality. He doesn't wait for the phone ring, he makes the calls to make all of his dreams come true. STAY RAD!
bike Știri despre [category]

Cei mai buni rideri de BMX s-au reunit la Swatch Battle of Hastings din 2024, oferind o un show nebun pentru fanii BMX din întreaga lume în apreciatul Source Park, marcând unul dintre cele mai așteptate evenimente din calendarul anual BMX.

Battle of Hastings 2024 s-a întors și poți urmări toată acțiunea live online!

Austrian Freeride Mayhem cu Ruso Bros și Clemens Kaudela. Urmărește acum!
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Unleash The Beast!
Tear into a can of the meanest energy drink on the planet, Monster Energy. Produse