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Some streamers are satisfied having one career – but not Fl0m. A former professional Counter-Strike player, a pillar of the CS community, an esports team owner, and a game development consultant, the Las Vegas-based streamer Fl0m combines his unique perspectives to create a smart, lounge-y, yet competitive atmosphere in his stream. At the same time, his easy-going and playful personality has made him a fan-favorite. These days, you’ll catch him playing Counter-Strike or an assortment of games, interspersed with videos from one of Fl0m’s favorite hobbies: home cooking.

  • United States
Data consacrării : 1992-09-14
Gustul preferat: Rehab Monster Watermelon

Some streamers are satisfied having one career – but not Fl0m. A former professional Counter-Strike player, a pillar of the CS community, an esports team owner, and a game development consultant, the Las Vegas-based streamer Fl0m combines his unique perspectives to create a smart, lounge-y, yet competitive atmosphere in his stream. At the same time, his easy-going and playful personality has made him a fan-favorite. These days, you’ll catch him playing Counter-Strike or an assortment of games, interspersed with videos from one of Fl0m’s favorite hobbies: home cooking.

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