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Tanner 'Rogue' Trebb, is a content creator for Team Liquid and a professional player, regarded as one of the most watched streamers in Apex Legends on Twitch. Tanner is a Canadian-native, but is currently based in Missouri. He first entered into competitive gaming in 2012 on Call of Duty throughout 2018 with his entrance to one of the first battle royale games, called H1Z1. As an experienced veteran in the battle royale genre, he transitioned to Apex Legends in 2019. He has been part of esports organizations such as Luminosity Gaming, Team Gates, and Team Liquid. Tanner has worked with notable brands such as Elgato, ASUS, Monster Energy, Intel, Step Banking, and Honey.

  • United States
Data consacrării : 2000-01-01
Gustul preferat: Zero-Sugar Ultra Peachy Keen

Tanner 'Rogue' Trebb, is a content creator for Team Liquid and a professional player, regarded as one of the most watched streamers in Apex Legends on Twitch. Tanner is a Canadian-native, but is currently based in Missouri. He first entered into competitive gaming in 2012 on Call of Duty throughout 2018 with his entrance to one of the first battle royale games, called H1Z1. As an experienced veteran in the battle royale genre, he transitioned to Apex Legends in 2019. He has been part of esports organizations such as Luminosity Gaming, Team Gates, and Team Liquid. Tanner has worked with notable brands such as Elgato, ASUS, Monster Energy, Intel, Step Banking, and Honey.

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