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Italian rider Francesco Bagnaia, also more commonly known as Pecco, kick started his racing career back in 2010, where he finished third overall in the highly competitive CEV Championship, in Spain. Entering the World Championship just two years later, Pecco continued to impress, moving up to Moto2™ in 2017 where his efforts rewarded him with Rookie of the Year in the intermediate class. 2018 saw the Italian continue to shine as he tallied up 16 podiums, including 8 wins, resulting in him taking the title, and being crowned Moto2 World Champion at the Malaysian Grand Prix. In 2019 Pecco made his debut in the premier class, with Pramac Racing. Following a couple of tasking years, 2021 brought renewed hope, with three podiums within the opening four rounds, firmly placing the Italian in position to fight for the title. Following his debut MotoGP™ win at Aragon, and another in succession on home soil in Misano, Pecco looked set to take the title charge to the chequered flag, but an unfortunate crash on the second visit to Misano, saw his hopes slip away. Winning both the final races in Valencia, Pecco finished the 2021 season as a strong runner-up, and a clear favourite for the 2022 crown.

Francesco Bagnaia
  • Italy
Data nașterii : 1997-01-14
Gustul preferat: The Original Green Monster Energy

Italian rider Francesco Bagnaia, also more commonly known as Pecco, kick started his racing career back in 2010, where he finished third overall in the highly competitive CEV Championship, in Spain. Entering the World Championship just two years later, Pecco continued to impress, moving up to Moto2™ in 2017 where his efforts rewarded him with Rookie of the Year in the intermediate class. 2018 saw the Italian continue to shine as he tallied up 16 podiums, including 8 wins, resulting in him taking the title, and being crowned Moto2 World Champion at the Malaysian Grand Prix. In 2019 Pecco made his debut in the premier class, with Pramac Racing. Following a couple of tasking years, 2021 brought renewed hope, with three podiums within the opening four rounds, firmly placing the Italian in position to fight for the title. Following his debut MotoGP™ win at Aragon, and another in succession on home soil in Misano, Pecco looked set to take the title charge to the chequered flag, but an unfortunate crash on the second visit to Misano, saw his hopes slip away. Winning both the final races in Valencia, Pecco finished the 2021 season as a strong runner-up, and a clear favourite for the 2022 crown.

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