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Originally from Rome, Franco moved to Tavullia where he has an exceptional mentor: Valentino Rossi. Franco is a member of very famous and successful VR46 Riders Academy. He won the European Superstock 600 series in 2013 and was offered a place in Moto2 with the Italtrans team for 2014. With not a lot of experience Franco has burst onto the World Championship circuit and is one of the hottest young road racing talents from Italy. With the support of and a mentor like Valentino Rossi the sky is the limit for Franco.

Franco Morbidelli
  • Italy
Data nașterii : 1994-12-04
Gustul preferat: The Original Green Monster Energy

Originally from Rome, Franco moved to Tavullia where he has an exceptional mentor: Valentino Rossi. Franco is a member of very famous and successful VR46 Riders Academy. He won the European Superstock 600 series in 2013 and was offered a place in Moto2 with the Italtrans team for 2014. With not a lot of experience Franco has burst onto the World Championship circuit and is one of the hottest young road racing talents from Italy. With the support of and a mentor like Valentino Rossi the sky is the limit for Franco.

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Unleash The Beast!

Tear into a can of the meanest energy drink on the planet, Monster Energy.
